Saturday, May 1, 2010
1). My score for the spiritual, physical, and psychological well-being was a 6 on each assessment in unit 3. I gained an eight in the three areas now at the close of the semester. The scores have increased because I am now more conscious and have a clearer understanding of my personal efforts I must do to get to that special place of my purpose in life.
2). I believe I am meeting my goals and I am reviewing my goals regularily for compliance. I am progressing in all three areas. It is a continued effort and awareness. I work and have included my music practices to help me further fulfilling my desires.
Spiritual-Yes I believe I am progessing because I am doing my prayer and seeking God for my purpose.
psychological-I are continuing to work on my knowledge by educating and increasing my understanding of integral health.
Physical-I have lost weight but I need to make some adjustments in my work outs and my diet, which I need to increase my protein intake in the AM. I am on a limited intake this week of fresh fruits and limited meats hoping this will help rev up my metabolism.
3). Yes I am currently working on the activities I chose to help me.
4). My well being has improved in all three areas. I have graduated from my school of ministery and attending continued follow-up sessions. I feel stronger physically which is evidenced by my work outs. I am losing weight each week. My mental attitude is more positive. I have my coworkers thanking me for helping them and I am very grateful. I am working on loving my self, keeping the right attitude and increasing my knoweledge in mind body and spirit healing. The entire class has been rewarding, it gave me the start of new beginnings. My difficult times has been handling work and getting my classswork done. As my classmate stated "knowledge is the key." This is the first step I need to assist in helping others
Monday, April 26, 2010
I Introduction:
Why is it important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychologically, spiritually and physically?
As a wellness professional it is important that I am mentally alert and within control of emotions. It is imperative that I understand stress, stress management, crisis and what it does to the body. My knowledge and wisdom is the start of learning integral health. From past experiences I have learned that the counselor and the client are able to transference and countertransference the exchange of emotions and feelings. These are productive learning tools for both the client and the professional. One main goal is that I am able to teach and empower my client. I am more easily able to direct someone if I know what direction or path that needs to be taken. It is important to have a strong and healthy body that is energized and vibrant. When I am providing the client advice on diet and exercise it is essential that I am looking fit and feeling good, this is a reinforcement as I transfer energy to them. Spirituality is so very personal and individualized that the wellness professional should certainaly have a discernment of the human spirit. Sometimes an individual is sick spiritually and doesn’t realize that spiritual support is the key to their healing. If the wellness professional has a spiritual awareness that understands and has a oneness with Jesus Christ then the client will more likely find the healing they are seeking.
What areas do you need to develop to achieve the goals you have for yourself?
I need to continue developing in all the areas especially in the spiritual area because this is the area where I feel the most called to. I need to have a more productive prayer life. I need to make more time for God and most of all I need to develop my spiritual gifts I have in me as I flourish in my calling to the ministry of helping people. I need to continue to maintain a diet and exercise chart and losing weight until I have met my weight loss goals. Increasing my mental awareness of myself and others will help develop a strong positive, and trained mental awareness.
II Assessment:
How have you assessed your health in each domain? How do you score your wellness
spiritually, physically, and psychologically?
I have assessed myself on what I am doing and the efforts and commitment I have in these domains and how much I am training to increase my knowledg and what I feel my limitations are.
Spiritually- 8
III Goal development:
List at least one goal you have for yourself in each area, Physical, Psychological (mental health) and Spiritual.
Physical- My goal is to start one-on- one- training with my fitness trainer within the next 30 days.
Psychologically - My goal is to develop and increase in mental training by utilizing the practices I have learned and to practice mind or meditation daily every morning within the next week.
Spiritual- To develop and understand my inner spiritual gift by seeking to God and to begin utilizing it beginning now.
IV Practices for personal health:
What strategies can you implement to foster growth in each of the following domains; Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual. Provide at least two examples of exercises or practices in each domain. Explain how you will implement each example.
I attend the fitness club usually on Tuesday through Thursday and my school work has been a challenge on Mondays which lessened my chances of working out on Mondays. I will start the first Monday in May, and continue to attend on Mondays.
Continue my weight loss plan to lose to a size 14-16 by the end of May, 2010.
Develop a set time for prayer and God every morning from 5AM to 5:30AM daily.
Attend the workshops that Kingdom University schedules. The next one will be my graduation the end of May 2010.
Psychologically- Increase my understanding of mental training and practice one of the practices daily such as subtle mind, mindfulness, etc.
Create work books on mental awareness, continue my education, and attend workshops on Health and wellness. Work on my developing my saxophone playing, work on creating CD’s for healing.
V Commitment:
How will you assess your progress or lack of progress in the next six months? What strategies can you use to assist in maintaining your long-term practices for health and wellness?
I already have a journal that I keep information that is important and relative to eating and exercise. I will make a new journal next week that will have progress check points and use this workbook for keeping and monitoring my progress on more areas like fitness, eating, personal goals and a special section for Spiritual, Physical and Mental follow-up. I will create a commitment contract that I will sign and acclaim to do in progressing toward my goal of walking in the path of “Integral Health” and my life in Christ Jesus.
Brenda F. Alexander, R.N.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Unit 8
1. The two exercises that I believe the most beneficial for me is the visualization and the subtle mind exercises. The others are also beneficial and I will continue to use them but I chose what I thought would help me to flourish and gain more control over my inner self.
The subtle mind has three levels that I will be seeking which starts with my breath and here is where I really felt and learned the importance of breathing. To still the breath stills the mind. I never gave much thought until now how busy the mind really is. I believe I will begin to gain more control over my thoughts and my life using the subtle mind practice. I believe I will have a clearer understanding of myself and my unity with God through calming my mind. I want to have positive thinking as a permanent mindset, a way of life. I can feel myself growing more focused and empowered. I can say with continued use of the subtle mind practice I will have outstanding results.
I believe as I learn to practice visualization it will also help me to become more empowered to influence others. It is the technique of using my imagination to visualize specific things I wish to have, do or be, and/or behaviors or events I desire to occur in my life.
I believe in the “Law of Attraction” that is a universal law that says all your thoughts, positive and negative, vibrate at a certain frequency and like attracts like. In other words, you get what you ask for. The frequency of your thoughts attracts things to your life vibrating at the same frequency. This happens whether you are conscious of it or not. I need to believe in myself, I need to increase my faith in God. What I possess inside of me is to freely give to others. Before I give I must have an abundance of inner strength faith, hope, loving-kindness, joy, peace, compassion and love. I believe with continued practice I will have the desires of my heart whether it be internal or material.
I have completed this year my ministry classes from Kingdom University. I hope to get additional training from other classes that are offered at the university that will increase my knowledge of God, Miracles and Healing. The most I can do to foster mental fitness is to practice these exercises until they are second nature. I believe I can only be as affective to others as I am to myself. “Practice what I am going to preach”
Brenda A.
Friday, April 9, 2010
1). I had an interesting week trying to meditate. I have been fairly successful during my workout sessions where i focus on my breathing and thoughts. But this week my mind kept shifting to a guy there. He is my trainer. I had an experience during the week that brought him into my thoughts, and then into my dream. So I have to determined why I felt such a connection to him. He is a great motivator and support person when I am at the fitness center. Then later this week my coworkers and I have been a little at odds with each other. The last thing I could think of was lovingkindness. But I am trying to bring my thoughts back into a state of peace and love. I am trying to practice my breathing several times when I am at work because those are the most testing and negative times. And when I practiced the healing meditation my healer was named Jesus, He is the only inner healer that I know. As I review this past week my insight tells me that I have fallen short of making these practices an important part of my dailly routine. I believe I need a lot more practice, I don't feel like I was very succcessful this week as I have been in the past. What I feel to foster wellness is to practice and learn to perform the subtle mind and lovingkindness exercises.
2). My example of "leading another where one has not gone himself" is existing in my daily life right now. My goal is to help people heal and develop in integral health. I believe the physical body needs to be guided into a balance of proper nutrition and exercise. I have been working on losing weight and a life style of healthy eating and the results are poor. I have a personal duty to utilize the teachings that I will be instilling upon others. From my struggles I have an increased level of compassion and caring for others. I believe my growth will be from a daily life of practicing livingkindness, subtle mind and deligent prayer to God.
Brenda A.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hello and Welcome.
I was on a religious retreat this week and upon my return I felt very overwhelmed. I had to really focus to get things completed. I just wanted to be with me, and try to analyze,and expound on this magnificant week I just experienced. A person that I had met before was there and she was having some problems with her stomach. After we prayed and talked, I completed my assignment on "universal lovingkindness" I know it is a positive statement to say "all" when I was instructed to repeat the phrases. I was only able to mention by name the people I had concerns for and my friend was one of them I went into her mind and told her she had the power to receive her healing and from there I believed that she was healed.
Empathy, compassion and caring is already inside of me so it doesn't take much for me to arouse those feeling into my consciousness. My focus of growth is to discover more about myself and become more mindful. I felt that now is the time to become more creative and offer myself and my giftings more into a worldly flourishing. As always my biological flourishing is to continue to assess my nutrition and exercise and to maintain my training and wellness program as a lifetime practice. What I thought would help me flourish is to create my own personal Integral Practice program. I always enjoy giving and helping others. I believe this is a great start toward me helping myself and others. And finally I just want to become closer to me.
Brenda, A.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Welcome, today I was very busy, I didn't get to complete my personal plans but I did exercise for an hour. I want you all to know I am grateful we are here because we are right on time for our purpose and our assignment in life.
1. I thought the practices were alike in one main way and that is they both focus on breathing. Breathing is the catalyst in helping the transformation. They both are training the mind to reach higher levels of consciousness.
The practices have two different goals we are seeking to achieve. The lovingkindness practice is intended to guide our breathing to heal the suffering as we decrease our focus on ourselves and our needs as we transfer compassion onto others. the primary goal is to create a heart felt lovingkindness that diminishes your self centeredness and quiets your mind.
The subtle mind is more intentional and purposeful process. Our goal is to cultivate wisdom by training and taiming the mind. We are reaching toward psychospiritual flourishing. The subtle mind practice is the strive for unity consciousness and pure awareness.
2. Pending
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I have always believed that I could feel the flow of loving-kindness. I have felt it many times as I am thinking about others and wanting the best for them. Now I have learned that is a practice and I will benefit and become skilled in performing it often. I read in an article that the practicing of loving kindness helps to keep the mind open and sweet. Sometimes when people wrong you, it’s hard to maintain that sweet flow of forgiveness and love that is achieved with the flow of loving kindness.
(1) The CD was a wonderful experience. It helped me focus on an inner spiritual awareness that I have thought about often in the past. Today I will be writing down in my journey journal to practice, study and embrace the feeling "loving-kindness". The CD also gave me more clarity on understanding what lovingkindness is. It also helped me manage some negative feelings I am having in regards to a family member. I was concentrating on how to breathe which was helpful for me to sustain my focus. Lovingkindness is a gift from God, it is called the fruits of the spirit. It is very important that I cherish and use this gift toward others. I recommended this activity to my mother. This CD is a message that should be shared. I believe it will help others flourish in the flow of loving kindness.
(2) In order for us to achieve a level of depthness in our psychospiritual life we must practice the concept of "mental workout." This is similar to an athlete attaining an Olympian level of fitness, he has to perform and meet a physical level of fitness. A mental workout is striving to explore our inner world and evolve our psycho spiritual life. This contemplative practice tames the minds’ ceaseless mental activities that obscure higher states of awareness. Then through this mental training we gain access to the more subtle levels of the mind, witnessing, consciousness, the mental state of calm-abiding, and the pure awareness of a unity consciousness. Research studies and also personal reports have demonstrated that mental training can transform the mind by reducing disturbing emotions that causes anger, hatred, fear, worry, confusion and doubt. It enhances positive emotions such as patience, loving-kindness, openness, acceptance and happiness. This mental transformation, acting through the mind/body connection, provides enhanced resistance to mental distress and physical disease and overall promotes well being.
I believe I can implement mental works for fostering my psychological in order for me to achieve a level of psychological health is to start with the practice session on pg. 68 in (Dacher, 2006). I can begin this practice at least 15 minutes a day. I will do it in the mornings because It will help me start my day off clear of distractions and purposeful. I now have access to a wonderful CD by Dacher that is a phenomenal instructional guide that will mentor me until I am able to become independent.
“May your heart be happy and at peace!”
Friday, March 12, 2010
Rating My Wellbeing!
As I reflect on my well-being, My honesty is in being true to thyself. In this life there is always room for improvement and it is also important that I am always striving and seeking for that higher self.
A-Physical Wellbeing- I rate a 6. I am actively involved in exercise and healthy eating. My weaknes is I need to pump it up a few notches to see a drastic reduction in my weight, this will help me in reaching my goal of losing weight and a lifetime of healthy practices.
B. Spiritual Wellbeing-I rate a 6. I am always striving to touch God. I know that He touches me everyday to provide me means of survival. the air that I breathe is God's. "THE LORD IS MY SHEPHARD I SHALL NOT WANT" My goal is to walk in my destiny.
C.Psychological Wellbeing-I rate a 6. This part of my holistic being is flourishing. My goal is to become more involved in me. continue educating, learning is power. Become more creative in music and my hobbies, Increase in Emotional Intelligence.
Balance is the best way I can describe obtaining my goals. Live, learn and Play my life to the fullest every day.
I enjoyed the relaxation exercise. It was more like an awakening for me. My mind started thinking that I would love to create my own relaxation cd. He said to repeat after him "my life has a meaningful purpose." His positive statements were very encouraging. It continued to guide me toward thinking how nice it would be if I were to do my onw relaxation exercises and performing self talk on my self. It was another learning experience into the world of relaxation.
Brenda A.
Brenda A.
Friday, March 5, 2010
I really enjoyed the CD on relaxation. It was truly a new experience for me I am looking forward to engaging more into the concept of meditation and relaxation. I am a believer of the benefits.
Love, Peace and Happiness
B.F. Alexander
Love, Peace and Happiness
B.F. Alexander
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Welcome to my mind, body and spirit network. Our health and wellness is dependent on the mind body and spirit working together as a unit. Here we will share our beginnings as we strive toward an "Integrated" approach toward health and wellnes.
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